Data Economy

What is Data Economy


Data and data-driven innovation is rapidly reshaping the way we produce and consume food. Numerous opportunities exist to unlock value from data derived at various levels of the food system ranging from primary producers, and consumers, to packaging, marketing, financing and logistics, and beyond to included research, policy and capacity building and from a number of sources.

Value from these data can be generated in many different ways including use, re-use, aggregation, transformation and exchange ect. and is heavily context dependent. This means value can differ depending on the information it contains and how it is being used and can be both economic (monetary value) and non-economic when it is used to improve decision-making, transparency, fairness or reducing negative impacts.

However, the EU is facing a profound lack of knowledge about the data economy in food systems, the goals it should serve and the fairness and inclusiveness of its development, and its impact on EU policy objectives. 

But, what is the starting point?  Data4Food2030 will provide state-of-the-art knowledge and a working definition about the Data Economy for Food Systems by studying available scientific and other literature, a selection of 9 real life case studies and receiving input from various stakeholder groups.

Having a common working definition of the Data Economy is necessary for:


Develop a common working definition
of the Data Economy for Food Systems

Data4Food2030 will develop an extensive conceptual framework that includes already-known critical issues, drivers and barriers, positive and negative impacts, environmental and societal potentials and their relation to each other.

To do so, Data4Food2030 will conduct:

 A systematic literature review that maps all relevant concepts


A philosophical analysis of those core concepts to interpret and understand key assumptions of the reviewed sources. This includes considering policy ambitions and perceived goals of the data economy


An in depth exploration of the economic value creation of the DE4FS and its sustainable development


Assess the ethical, legal and social aspects of the data economy, particularly key technologies and how to responsibly integrate them into the conceptual framework


Determine the drivers and barriers for acceptance and uptake of the data economy, focusing on current and new business models, European strategies and regulations as well personal and non-personal ownership issues and societal readiness


Utilise ongoing  stakeholder dialogues for feedback on its relevance, usefulness and to find other aspects that might need to be considered

Case Studies

The pilot projects that will triger Data Economy

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